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For producing white tea, tea plants with many buds and larger, plump leaves, along with a clear aroma, high amino acid content, and low levels of caffeine and catechins are more suitable. In the past, in Fuding and surrounding areas such as Zhenghe, there were no specific varieties grown to produce white tea. Local so-called "cooking tea", or collective cultivation of tea plants, was used. The white tea produced from these plants was called "small white tea". The leaves were usually small, of different sizes, and mixed, which led to low yield and low harvest rate. Currently, in Fuding and Zhenghe, there are few plantations dedicated to growing "cooking tea", and they are only present in small quantities, usually in mountainous areas or on the edge of tea plantations. Fuding "cooking tea" is a set of tea plants at the genetic level, and contains high-quality varieties such as Fuding white tea and abundant bud tea, which have been selected from the "cooking tea" plants. It can be said that without "cooking tea", Fuding white tea would not have achieved its dominant position in the world of white tea. Now, let's see how Fuding white tea, which once reigned supreme, has been surpassed by abundant bud tea.

(a) Fuding White Tea (Huacha No. 1), also known as "Baimaocha" or "Fuda", is a small-leaved, fast-growing, second-generation plant with low genetic variability. Originating from Boliu Village, Piantou Town, Fuding City. Spring white tea, consisting of one bud and two leaves, contains about 4.3% amino acids, 16.2% catechins, 11.4% theanine and 4.4% caffeine. It has a silvery white color, buds curved like the crescent moon, abundant white hairs, with a fresh aroma and a round and delicate flavor. Due to the high amino acid content and low catechin content, the white tea produced from this variety is less bitter and more fresh and sweet.

(b) Fuding White Tea with Abundant Buds (Huacha No. 2), abbreviated as "Damao", is a fast-growing, low-genetic variability, second-generation, large-leaved small-tree plant. Originating from Wangjiayang Village, Piantou Town, Fuding City. It has a sturdy appearance, with abundant white hairs, a silvery white color, and a fresh and lively aroma with a round and delicate taste. The buds and leaves are large and thick, and the yield is high. Spring white tea, consisting of one bud and two leaves, contains about 3.5% amino acids, 25.7% catechins, 18.4% theanine, and 4.3% caffeine. The main difference between Fuding white tea and white tea with abundant buds is that the former has a higher amino acid content, while the latter has a higher catechin content. Therefore, Fuding white tea is more fresh and sweet in the mouth, while white tea with abundant buds is more stimulating. Many tea lovers believe that Fuding white tea, especially silver needle with abundant buds, is the flagship of "Fuding white tea".

Fuding is located in the "golden zone" of tea cultivation at latitude 27°N. It belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, with obvious marine climate characteristics. The area is located between the mountains and the sea, with good air circulation and slightly acidic soil, making it a fertile ground for tea cultivation. It includes 17 cities and towns (including districts and development areas), almost every one of them produces tea. The main tea producing areas are the five townships of Diantou, Panxi, Tailaoshan, Guanyang and Bailin.

Reputable tea expert Luo Shaojun said that "the innate advantages of specific soil and climate, tea plant varieties, and traditional tea processing and brewing techniques" have contributed to the excellent quality and unique benefits of Fuding white tea. Although Fuding tea production areas are not classified according to mountain elevation, the five major production areas have differences in geography and tea cultivation history, which have led to different characteristics and developments in tea production.


The book "Zhongguo Chaye Pinzhong Zhi" ranks "Fuding Dabaicha" and "Fuding Damocha" first and second respectively among the 77 nationally recognized tea varieties. Diantou is known as the "White Tea Valley" and is the place of origin of the real Fuding white tea. Most of the farmers in this area are engaged in the production of white tea, and their tea processing technique is very mature.

Diantou has nearly 40,000 mu (about 26.6 hectares) of tea plantations, and together with the largest Min-Zhe green tea trading market bordering Fuding, Diantou is a prominent position in Fuding tea. In recent years, there have been many high-quality tea producers in Diantou, with excellent expertise. Nowadays, Diantou has become the distribution and trading center of Fuding white tea, with many major tea companies settling in this city.

Panxi is the largest municipality in Fuding in terms of geographical area, and has a rich coverage of rivers and mountains, with a forest percentage of over 88%. It is called the "lung" of Fuding. Most of the tea plants in Panxi grow at an altitude of about 500 meters, with an excellent ecological environment, abundant bamboo plantations, and numerous streams winding through mountain valleys and flat lands. The area enjoys abundant sunlight and has fertile soils with acidic red-yellow soil suitable for the growth of tea plants.

The mountain climate of Panxi is generally mild, with abundant rainfall and high humidity, and large temperature differences between day and night. These conditions are particularly favorable for the growth and nutrient accumulation of white tea. Therefore, the tea produced in Panxi has excellent quality, with a well-developed tea aroma and a delicate, soft and fragrant infusion with a sweet aftertaste.

Panxi is considered one of the oldest and most primitive origins of Fuding white tea. Its excellent condition is mainly due to the following factors: First, the forest coverage rate of Panxi is high compared to other areas, which provides a more favorable natural environment for tea growth. Second, the air is fresh and water resources are abundant. Third, the red-yellow soils contain high amounts of organic matter and minerals resulting from the decomposition of volcanic rock and organic matter. The pH value ranges from 4 to 4.5, which makes them slightly acidic and suitable for the growth of tea plants.

In addition, the average altitude of Panxi is between 500 and 800 meters, with temperatures 2-4°C lower than lower altitude areas, creating favorable climatic conditions for the growth of white tea. Therefore, the quality of tea produced in this area is outstanding and highly valued.

There are many famous small tea producing places in Panxi, mainly concentrated in the high-altitude areas near Sangyuan Water Reservoir, such as Huanggang, Youkeng, Hulin, Xianpu, Dayang, Nanguang, Houping and Chixi. In particular, Huanggang Village hosted the national tea exhibition in 1959.

Taimu Zhen:

Originally called Qin Yu Zhen, Taimu Zhen is the birthplace of the mother of white tea leaves, "Lü Xue Ya" (雪芽) or "Snow Gems". The average altitude of Taimu is about 600 meters above sea level, and the mountain is often shrouded in fog and clouds, with temperatures 2-5°C lower than lower areas. Taimu Zhen is bordered by the sea to the east, while the Taimu Mountain Range, bordering Panxi and Bailin, is surrounded to the west. With surrounding mountains and rich vegetation, Taimu's soil is mainly composed of red mountain soil and red-yellow transition soil, with a high content of volcanic materials and decomposed organic matter.

The pH value ranges between 4 and 4.5, making it slightly acidic, which is favorable for the growth of tea plants. White tea originated from Taimu, and this mountain retains some old abandoned plantations of wild white tea, so having the opportunity to drink tea from these plants would definitely be a great fortune in someone's life.

Guanyang Zhen:

Guanyang Zhen borders Diantou Zhen and is famous for its distinctive landscapes and picturesque places such as bizarre rocks and spectacular waterfalls. It is a renowned high-quality mountain area for Fuding white tea. The area has a series of mountain peaks, with 144 peaks over 1 km, including Mount Wangfu, Mount Litou, Mount Dong and Mount Niushejian. Mount Wangfu is the highest

high, with an altitude of 1113.6 meters. Most of the administrative villages are located at an altitude of about 600 meters, which leads to slower growth of tea plants and higher quality of tea. The area is shrouded in fog and the humidity of the mountains is high, which makes very high requirements for tea processing.

Teas produced in Guanyang have much higher catechin content than other mountain areas, with high amino acid content in mountain tea trees. High mountain teas have abundant amino acids, low catechin to amino acid ratio, and good aftertaste. However, due to the presence of a lot of fog and high humidity in mountain areas, great attention must be paid to tea processing techniques.

Bailin Zhen:

Over the centuries, tea has been a famous identity card for Bailin Zhen, and has been praised both domestically and internationally. In 1906, "Fujian Fuding County Native Place" was published, which states: "The tea industry in Bailin is particularly flourishing, open to domestic and international trade, and is famous for its excellent quality of white buds, the best in the Five Mountains. Therefore, merchants and entrepreneurs flock to the town."

In the mid-Qing Dynasty, Bailin became an important tea distribution center, and at the same time it was also the place of origin of Bailin hand-processed red tea.