Here are 2 simple tips to follow to avoid making mistakes when serving and offering tea:
1) First of all it is very important to know how to pour the right amount of tea. A Chinese saying goes "fill the cup up to 70%, the remaining 30% is courtesy "

谊。 Not having a full cup, the guest will not burn himself, nor will he spill it on the table and clothes. But behind this saying, there is a deeper meaning, linked to Chinese philosophy. In fact, it is intended to be a metaphor for life: seven as the measure of all things. Be careful in acting, leave room for the right words, treat others with tolerance, abandon arrogance and excess. " 做人不要做绝,说话不要说尽" "to be a man, do not do too much, do not say everything" or "by not exceeding in ways and words we behave like right people".