There is a curious story behind oolong tea:
Once a farmer picked tea leaves from the mountain, put them in a bamboo bowl and then put them on his shoulders. On his way down the mountain to go home, with the uneven and rocky ground, the tea leaves were tossed around in the bamboo bowl, colliding with each other, thus creating a very unique and new floral fragrance!
As soon as the farmer noticed this accidental discovery, he called this tea process “yaoqing” 摇青 “shaking”. At that time with the still undeveloped technology, no explanation could be found.
So the farmers, unable to explain it, called this tea “the absurd tea”, “hulihutu” 糊里糊涂, which transformed into today's pronunciation “oolong” (wulong).
For this reason today if we say “oolong” it means black dragon, but it can also indicate a “confused, absurd” attitude of a person.