News and Curiosities

Six Basic Types of Chinese Tea

China is the birthplace of tea: the Chinese discovered tea 5000 years ago. After thousands of years of evolution, "tea" has completed the process of going from medicine, to edible, to beverage.

The same tea leaf passes through the skilled hands of the Chinese, forming 6 main types of tea

Unfermented green tea maintains the freshness of the tea to the maximum.

Lightly fermented yellow tea has a softer flavor than green tea.

Unbleached and unmixed white tea retains the most natural flavor.

Semi-fermented oolong tea creates an ever-evolving aroma

Black tea with the longest fermentation time was the life drink of nomads

Compared to the five major teas, red tea is fully fermented. They are the most consumed teas in the world today.

Below we will use 2 charts to help you understand the six major teas of China and the different production processes

This diagram explains how different types of tea are processed.

Unfermented green tea maintains the freshness of the tea to the maximum.

Lightly fermented yellow tea has a softer flavor than green tea.

Unbleached and unmixed white tea retains the most natural flavor.

Semi-fermented oolong tea creates an ever-evolving aroma

Black tea with the longest fermentation time was the life drink of nomads

Compared to the five major teas, red tea is fully fermented. They are the most consumed teas in the world today.

In addition to the six main teas, there is also a special type of reprocessed tea.

All types of tea, both coarse and refined, are used. You can obtain: flower tea, tea juice, tea extract, fruit tea, medicinal tea, tea drinks, etc.

For example: jasmine tea