News and Curiosities

Tea in the four seasons 🍃


Drinking flower tea can help fight the typical sleepiness of the period. It is a type of fresh and very fragrant tea. According to Chinese medicine, it is used to eliminate the cold that has accumulated in the body during the winter. It promotes the development of yang energy. It awakens all the senses.


In summer, temperatures are very high and you sweat a lot. You get tired easily, so green tea is recommended for this season, because it is a non-fermented tea that helps the body to cool down, to quench thirst; it also aids digestion and is helpful in treating gastric and oral ulcers.


Autumn is dry. The mouth and lips tend to dry out. According to Chinese medicine, these symptoms are related to seasonal drought. Oolong tea is a type of fermented tea, its color is between green and red. It has the fragrance of green tea and the consistency of black tea. It does not reconcile either heat or cold in the body: it is a middle way. It is good for the skin and throat. It helps the body to adapt to changes in the environment.


Winter is a season in which nature goes to sleep and the body's functions decrease. Yang energy slows down. According to Chinese medicine, winter is a season in which the body almost seems to close down to defend itself. The most important thing is that the body is warm. Black tea, which in Chinese is actually called red tea, serves exactly this purpose. It warms the body and is rich in sugars and proteins. It helps against the cold, aids digestion and eliminates the feeling of fat that we feel in the mouth after eating certain foods.